
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Hello again...miss me?...'cause I missed you (maybe)

Hello people, this is the messenger between Johnston and the keyboard. I want to clear up some things due to comments that are starting to come in. This comic strip is to explain the situation he is in now and yes he knows he made his mistakes and he wasn't in his right mind, listening to the wrong people while also abusing alcohol. He has been convicted and will soon be serving time. Hence, why there is a middle person. 

Also he was only arrested for the CP and not the drawings or commissions. Anyone that has worked with him or got a commission from him are not in anyway in danger of anything.

This comic strip is a way for him to reflect back onto what has happened and to possibly help those that are in a similar situation or even to keep others from slipping into the same dark path that he was on. 

If there are anymore questions they will be answered when we get to them and as the strip continues.

Thank you.


  1. 'proceeded to download real child pornography' I hope nobody just skims by this and realize how stupid the logic is

    1. Hello there, I am the person in between Johnston and the keyboard so I will be typing for him as the middleman, middle woman? Middle person??? AGH! Anyways he is in the room...and so he replies...
      "I totally agree with you 'Anonymous' there was no logic whatsoever because at the time I wasn't in my right mind, I was drinking heavily, listening to the wrong people and made my mistakes. All will be explained as the strip continues. And I have already been convicted and this strip is just an opportunity to more or less reflect back on myself and be a cautionary tale to those that are in a similar situation."

    2. >I was informed my drawings as N_01 wouldn't have gotten me the 20 years promised to me my by ex or gotten my arrested at all.

      Is this on the record as a precedent anywhere? I thought some people had gotten arrested for drawings like yours. Guess it depends on the country?

      >my girlfriend found out and became my ex-girlfriend

      Dating a chick who doesn't know about your tastes, why even? I would feel like I was acting all the time.

      Heck even one who approves of it could do a 180.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. Well hello there this is the middle person yet again thank you for posting. The link is very informative and it also clears up the fact that he was not persecuted for the art that he has done as Natis_01 because he has never used actual children in the production of his loli art. Loli art created from actual identifiable minors is illegal versus loli art created from complete imagination is not.

  4. I'm glad to see that you are back to drawing again, Natis_01 / J. Blackhorse. I really admire your talents with the pencil and never thought that your naughtier pictures were at all modeled from RL people. (I was a fan of Sailor Moon art too back in the day.) Sorry to hear that your life took a turn for the worse in your relationship with psycho woman, good fortune on recovery from that...

    Even without drawing X-rated stuff, you should have the talents to be a pro artist. I will send you info on a commission in a bit.

    1. "Thanks so much for the kind words and the support. It really heightens my moral and prepares me for the prison time that I am about to do so thank you again." - JBlackhorse/Natas_01

    2. ------- ------
      O O

      <----NO FEAR---->

      Delicioso!!! ;)

  5. Glad to see you back my friend. You probably would remember me from Adam back on another loli board, but we did have some email exchanges.
    You were/are a great artists and very nice and aproachable artist. We chated on your willingness to do commissions when you went AWOL!
    So happy to hear back from you; take care, you have many friends and supporters!

    1. He's glad to be back temporarily at the moment and back permanently in a few years. Thanks for the kind words and support we greatly appreciate it. Also he wants you to know that if you still want a commission he might be able to squeeze you homo...if you are interested please send us an email to

  6. Mr Blackhorse i cant express my gratitude nor my pain for the price you are paying after your art was misunderstood and the events there after, you are born before your time and i imagine your skill will bring fame in later life. Thank you and i wish you a safe incarceration and an early release. Maybe ill get a tattoo commisioned from you in the future

  7. Natis,I`m so sorry...,I dont know what else to say,I hope to god you stay safe,you are truly an excellent artist and I continue to live in hope that you will finish the loli club animation one day

  8. ???
    he chose to drink and he also chose to look up and download child pornography, which HARMS actual children by supporting the people exploiting them. i’m glad that natis_01 realized his mistakes and served for what he did wrong.

    1. He dipshit. You are horribly misinformed. The mere act of downloading child pornography doesn't "support" these individuals in any way because I didn't pay for any of the images downloaded and I haven't meet anyone in prison who has.

      The idea that these people somehow profit from these images is just an erroneous conclusion based on shear conjecture.

      Child Pornography is something that's around the internet for free. These Pederasts aren't feeding a "supply and demand" market because there really isn't a market to pin down dumbass. These Pederast exploit children to exploit them regardless of whether or not people pay or demand it because it's a perversion.

      Think about someone how gets a thrill from public flashing. No one demands that and no one pays for it. They do it just to do it.

      Now I'm not saying that since CP is free that means its okay. I'm saying that you're an overgeneralizing douche-bag for blaming me for the abuse someone else caused.

      So, bottom line. My downloading of child porn doesn't support the people who produce it. Second of all stop blaming me for someone elses crime/victimization. Lastly, Fuck Off.

      I'm sick and tired of this overbearing indoctrination. I bought into it at first and felt bad, but after so long of people making me feel shitty and telling me to kill myself when I hadn't even touched or raped anyone and just downloaded images I just stopped caring all that much. So congrats on your assistance of desensitizing me to this indoctrinated Bullshit. *slow hand-clap*

      Yes, there's child porn out there and its still being produced and that's sad. But you know what? It's still being produced despite me going to prison for it. So stop blaming for the abuse in those images because I'm not responsible, then take your shaming finger and shove it up your ass, Buttercup.

    2. You honestly sound retarded as fuck. You VIEWED cp. You watched a child being abused. Rather you “paid” for it or not, you’re still a sick bastard pos that should just commit. & not only that, but you continue to make art about abuse. You expect for us to sympathize with you? What about the children being gr00med each day? Where’s their sympathy from you? You don’t know how that types of stuff affects people. Little boys grow up to be exploiters. Little girls grow up to be prostitutes. Kids? Exploited. And you’re taking part in satisfying predators…because you are one. You’re weird af. It doesn’t even matter if the law doesn’t catch you twisted bastards. In death, everyone answers to the same God. May he destroy you. Your ex was right!

    3. Yeah, fuk you buddeh.XD I don't need your sympathy, but you can hate me all you want. The thing is people will never want me to stop feeling sorry, but the only people that mater in my life are my loved ones who still care about me. Anyone else's opinion, including yours doesn't really mater. Keep crying for me to commit suicide if you like, it makes no difference. You blame me for the abuse these kids suffered when I'm not even the one who abused them. You just want me to be guilty by association for the simple act of clicking a button, you obtuse cunt.

      Why don't you go do something useful and whine at an actual rapist or molester? The thing is you aren't because you don't have the balls to do it to the face of a hands-on abuser. Why? because bitching at me through the internet on my small little blog is easier. Plus you get to do it anonymously. Oooooo, big man! I'm so scared. Least I have the balls to put my face out there, yet you cry at me behind a wall of anonymity. yer sew bwave <3

      Piss off, you pathetic little clown XDD
      Go harass a part-timer about your messed up fast food order. You might actually get some results from your whiny bitching from that.

    4. OH yeah! I forgot to mention. My ex is a fat hypocrite. She used to help groom and rape young teens back in her day. She never got caught and had a change of heart. She raped who now's how many teens, but heaven forbid I drew loli porn which caused her to flip out and eventually led to my downward spiral in downloading cp. Yes I'm a terrible person, but let's excuse my ex, the ex groomer and rapist.

      But again, fuk you, buddeh.
