
Friday, June 1, 2018

Updates on N_sis...or Sblackhorse!!!

Hey there all, this is Johnston Blackhorse's younger sister Shawndean, I am here to say my farewell...for now. I am basically sitting here watching the cursor blinking overthinking what I am going to write exactly so I'll just write it. I'm moving from Las Vegas back to Tempe to put things back together there for myself.

It's been exactly three years since I made the decision to move from Arizona to Nevada to help my brother out and now I am returning. The time has passed so fast I cannot believe that I am really going back. Many of my plans that I made on the transition back have fallen through; the place I was going to live has changed many times, my ride back has changed many times and so have the dates. But now I have a week left and I am teetering on the edge of my seat, nervously.

In these last few months I have gone back and forth on the idea of leaving and with everything in place now I am taking the last jump. There were many reasons as to why I have decided to leave. The main one is I want to get my life back together.

Here I was working at a job that I have been working at for two and a half years, part time getting my paycheck bi-weekly and with all that I barely made my bill payments on time, let alone save any money...versus my old job where I worked full-time, got weekly pay with better pay. I am going back to my old job by the way...basically waiting for me to get back there and fill out the necessary paperwork. And if that doesn't work I got other people that can help me find something.

Also I will be living with a very close friend who is willing to let me stay rent free until I save up enough to get my own place. All the other plans of where I was going to live and with who fell through...but I honestly feel like this was the best way for me to go. All the plans on how to get back to Tempe fell now I am just busing back with whatever I can carry back. I am going to drop by Vegas in a few weeks/months for the rest of my stuff.

It's crazy though, three years can definitely change a person and their views. I came out here without knowing anyone other then my brother...and he I didn't even know very well. Of course I knew he was a good person, I mean he did help raise me when we were younger. But still...I came out here knowing no one else. Now the hardest part leaving is leaving my brother and all my friends that I have met here.

I am going back to Tempe a different person then how I left it and I am excited and nervous. I have grown so much and I am so grateful to everyone for being so kind and supportive to my brother and I during this difficult time. Even though I am leaving I am going to stay in contact with my brother and he'll keep me updated on the blog and everything that is going on with him. I am going to continue supporting him in any way that I can.

The past few months have had their ups and the! Ha! But I know that we all will get through them. I have about a week left before I board the bus to Phoenix with some bags. I had left my job this past Sunday but since then I was sick and it got worse until I am finally getting better. I was hoping to spend my last two weeks hanging out with people and my brother but I already spent a week just getting over this sickness. It is what it is.

So again thank you to everyone that has been there and is still there for us. Everything is truly appreciated and we are both very grateful. Please just know I am still here in a way, drop a line for me to my brother if you feel like it and I'll keep him updated on what I have been up to. I got nothing but love and respect for all the people that continue their support for us. You being inspired or motivated by us keeps us going. So farewell for now.

`Shawndean Blackhorse

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