
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Johnston Blackhorse Sketchbook Tours (May 30 2018)

Here's another Sketchbook Tour for your faces!!!

To support more videos and art please swing by my Patreon page and become a Patron.

Click on the Link Below
to visit

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Johnston Blackhorse Rant - Unfair Sex Offender and Child Pornography Laws

Got some stressful news today and just had to share a rant to share my frustrations and let off some steam.  Like, leave a comment, link, subscribe and become a patron.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Johnston Blackhorse Sketchbook Tours (May 23 2018)

Here's another Sketchbook Tour for your faces!!!

To support more videos and art from me please swing by my Patreon page and become a Patron.

Click on the Link Below
to visit

Cyberpunk Girl

Here's a new drawing from the Patreon genre poll results.  To support more work like this please visit my Patreon page and if you like what you see go ahead and click that Become a Patron button.

Click on the Link Below
to visit

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


I thought for sure I would be okay, because the work I had been producing was all non-sexually explicit pin-up work, but those Assholes still shut me down!!

Here's the email they sent:

Dear johnston blackhorse,

We are hereby notifying you that, after a recent review of your account
activity, it has been determined that you are in violation of PayPal's
Acceptable Use Policy.

Please refer to: 
- Website/s:

Therefore, your account has been permanently limited.

Per the User Agreement, when PayPal permanently limits an account due to an
Acceptable Use Policy violation, we may hold your funds up to 180 days. In
addition, you will be liable to PayPal for the amount of PayPal's damages
for each violation of the Acceptable Use Policy.

To read more about your liability, the actions we may take and other
relevant information pertaining to the User Agreement, please refer to the
following URL:

Customers who are permanently limited for violating the Acceptable Use
Policy are barred from future use of PayPal and its services and are not
permitted to open new or additional PayPal accounts.

The PayPal User Agreement states that PayPal, at its sole discretion,
reserves the right to limit an account for any violation of the User
Agreement, including the Acceptable Use Policy.

Under the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive
payments for certain sexually oriented materials or services or for items
that could be considered obscene.

The complete Acceptable Use Policy can be found at the following URL:
To learn more about the Acceptable Use Policy, please refer to our Help
Center page here:

We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions,
please contact the PayPal Brand Risk Management Department at

PayPal, Brand Risk Management

And here's the email I shot back:

Hey assholes!!!

Why are you limiting my account?

All the artwork I'm currently selling are all non-explicit pin-up works that contain no nudity or sexual acts.  The only site you linked me to that contains sexual content is the bhawkfurryart blog that I'm not even updating at this point in time.

You fucks are going too far with this bullshit!!  I'm over here trying to make an honest living with my art and here you dick-wads are blocking me.  This is a blatant effort to censor me and my work!  You're violating my right to freedom of expression of art you assholes!!

Yeah I might seem aggressive in this email and that's because what you're doing isn't right and it's a violation of my first amendment rights.  Who are you people to say what I can or can't make money on?  My artwork is an artistic expression of thought and what you people are doing is limiting my ability to make a living through my art thus censoring what shouldn't be censored you douche-bag cunts!!

Recently I've been going through the trouble of producing only non-explicit pin-up art and you still treat my work as if it's not exceptable.  What's your fucking problem you dick-fuck asshole retards!!??

People and companies like yours is what's wrong with this country today.  Not only did I wrongfully go to prison for my art, you people think you have the right to censor me by negating my ability to make money off my own work?

You're company and the people who overly filter artistic content are all pieces of shit and human garbage.  You can all kiss off you self righteous fuck-face douche-bag cunt-wad pussy-clown-dildo dip-shits!!!

In closing, Stop censoring my shit, you retarded fuck-face fuckers and let me get paid for my work!!  ASSHOLES!!!!

Johnston Blackhorse

This whole thing has me sooooooo pissed off right now.  What the hell is this country coming to?  We have truly become a PC nation.  "PC" meaning Protective Cowards!  We can't cross the street or blow our noses now-a-days without offending someone.  I'm trying to make a legit living over here with my art and some dip-shit douche-bag steps in and says, "hmmm, this might offend somebody so let me step in and stifle this guys freedom of speech and artistic expression before he assaults someone's sensibilities."  Fucking asshole!!

Grrr, I'm so pissed.

Monday, May 21, 2018

How to Art (high and low angled faces)

Hey ladies and gentlemen.  This Monday's edition of How to Art is now available at my Patreon.  Here's the link!!!  Come on by and become a $1 patron to check it out and gain access to other Lvl 1 patron content.

Click on the Link Below
to visit

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Sci-fi Character Concept

Here's a character concept as a result from the Patreon voting polls available on my Patreon site.

Click on the Link Below
to visit

Johnston Blackhorse Sketchboook Tours (May 15 2018)

This is the second video in my Sketchbook series.  It's just a small trip down memory lain through a video format... because having to scan all these sketches and drawings would be too intense of a project and I am far too lazy for that.

Anyway, if you enjoyed this video pleas like and subscribe and also swing my my Patreon to get patron only access to other videos such as my How to Art tutorials.

Click on the Link Below
to visit

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Johnston Blackhorse Sketchbook Tours (May 12 2018)

Check out the first edition of Johnston Blackhorse Sketchbook Tours where I'll be taking you all on a tour of all my sketchbooks to put the progression of my progress on progressive display.

And don't forget to swing by my Patreon site and become a patron to generate more content and get exclusive access to Patron Only material starting at $1!!!

Click on the Link Below
to visit

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

HOW TO ART!! Basic Faces

Yes sir and madam, the first edition of the instructional video series of How to Art with Johnston Blackhorse is available to watch at my Patreon page.

To watch the video and begin to see how I draw the way I draw become a Patron for only $1 and check out the video.  When you become a patron you will also have access to future Patron Only content to come.

What are you waiting for?!  Get in on the ground floor of this action now by becoming a Patron!!  Just go to My Patreon Page and click on the Become a Patron button then get started with Patron Lvl 1 status for only one of these $.  WOWWIE KAZZOWIE!!!  One dollar!?  What a deal!!!


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Steel Winged Skull Apparel!!!

I be makin' T-shirts for your stylin' needs.  Pick up yo'seff some flash and sport this T 'round yo block and party down as you display yo' love for Flashy skull designs straight from the madman designs of Johnston Blackhorse!!!

Limited time available to start buying your shirts so get on it!!  Buy Your Steel Winged Skull T-shirt Today!!!

Get your "Ride or Pie" T-shirts!!!

This is but one of my side ventures that I've been wanting to... venture in.  I've begun designing T-shirts which has always been on the back burner of my mind for some years now.  Since I'm currently unemployed I have much free time to get all these designs out of my head, on to some apparel, and onto your bodies... your tight firm bodies *drool*.  Hopefully I'll be able to make some money too. *fingers crossed*

AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME!!  Order yours today!!  Here's da link: Ride or Pie t-shirts 

Johnston Blackhorse Paranormal 01

Playing around with a ghost hunting app.

Check it out Ghost Hunting Tools Pro

Johnston Blackhorse Update

Here's a quick rundown on what's going on and what I'll be working in the immediate future.

To help support the creation of more art and videos become a patron at my new Patreon.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Complete Cover for How To Draw Like A MADMAN


 The cover for my how to draw tutorial is complete... Now I just have to write and draw the rest of it... I'll start this weekend. I'll be posting these finished lessons and tutorials on my Patreon as well as supplementary video lessons titled How to Art.

 Each one will be made available to all Patrons in the amount of $1. I come cheap *snicker*.

 Here's the link to my new Patreon page. Swing on by and become a dedicated patron why don't ya?